Saturday, March 03, 2007


Why is it that when I was young and single, not doing the dishes for days is funny, and a sign of how cool I must have been- the pile of dirty coffee mugs, toast plates and butter knives demonstrating that obviously I had better things to do than stay at home cleaning.

But now, in the grips of co-habitation* not doing the dishes for days just means that we are slobs living in our own filth.

When did this happen?

I must say I always liked Joan Rivers' take on housework:

"I hate housework. You make the beds, you wash the dishes and six months later you have to do it all over again".
*is it just me, or does "co-habitation" sound like something zoo animals do? "The pandas have been kept in co-habitation for 8 months, in the hopes making a mate..."


Mia said...

What is this thing called housework? Thank jelly beans for younger siblings and living at home!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but not long after I left home and was living alone, I left a dinner plate in the middle of the floor for weeks. I actually had to walk round it to get to the kitchen, but still left it there.

Wasn't until my mother was coming round a few weeks later that I finally decided to pick it up and put it in the dishwasher (yes, I even had a dishwasher, so completely no excuse for such slovenliness).

There, I feel better for admitting that...

Louise said...

Oh yeah I know the feeling- once its there for a while you just stop seeing it!