Friday, January 12, 2007

Corn-y Jokes

I'm standing in the kitchen, too exhausted from a really long day to cook, rumaging in the back of the shelves and calling out soup flavours to Phil as I find them.

Me: "Chicken and corn... seafood... crab and corn..."
Phil: "Huh? Rabid Corn? How can you tell if corn is rabid?"
Me: "I guess it foams at the ear!"

Did I mention it's been a REALLY long day?


Anonymous said...

made me laugh lou :)

Louise said...

Thanks Jon, you must be one of the few people that get my atrociously bad humour!

Anonymous said...

In my defense I plead the fifth.

I was under the influence of alcoholic drinks... erm... it happens to the best of us! I swear!