Saturday, August 26, 2006

Book Worm

Ok, I've been tagged. Twice in fact, thanks to Carbie and Dan, but i'm only going to do this once. As it is I've already got more links here than a chainmail vest.

Book Worm

1. One Book That Changed Your Life:
"Violence and Compassion- Dialogues on life today" by the Dalai Lama and Jean-Claude Carriere -- it's Buddhism for modern life, and is actually quite relevant.

2. One Book You Have Read More Than Once:
Just one? Ok "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. Oh, and "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr Seuss. Read it, you'll understand. It's not just for kids. Go on- read it, I'll wait right here....

3. One Book You'’d Want On A Desert Island:
A dictionary that points out that a Desert Island would in fact be in the desert, and is quite the oposite of a Deserted Island- and therefore remind me to flag down a passing camel and ride back to civilisation.

4. One Book That Made You Giddy:
An anthology of poetry by Dante Gabriel Rosetti... though what exactly is meant by giddy? Dizzy? Happy? Confused? His poetry makes me feel happy, in awe and inspired, so I guess that counts. Oh and anything by Aristophanes (The Peace, The Frogs, The Birds, Lysistrata.... all good). How is it that a Greek playwright born in 448BC can still make me snort coffee out my nose- that's comedy people.

5. One Book That You Wish Had Been Written:

"How to be a professional artist in Shanghai without actually doing anything- A slackers guide"

6. One Book That Wracked You With Sobs:

Good lord, I'll cry in any book... one book... hmmm... nope can't pick just one.

7. One Book You Wish Had Never Been Written:

Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War... I had to memorise that bastard for my HSC (senior High School) exams from cover to cover. It still gives me nightmares.

8. One Book You'’re Currently Reading:

Just finished "River Town" by Peter Hessler (very good), and starting "High wind in Jamaica" by Richard Hughes, also mid-way through "A fine Balance" by Rohinton Mistry, and "Band of Brothers" by Stephen E. Ambrose.... yeah I'm one of those people who reads several books at once, I can't help myself.

9. One Book You'’ve Been Meaning To Read:

Anna Karenina.

10. Now Tag Five Bloggers:
Phil, Comic Mummy, Mignon, London Misfit, Sharpie


Anonymous said...

'A dictionary that points out that a Desert Island would in fact be in the desert.'


Louise said...

I try ;-)

Sharpie said...

ok - I'll get on it.......